Become a member

F.I.E.A. Membership

Who can become a member:

  • National bodies of automotive experts, officially recognised in their country and whose members are qualified technicians in automotive theory and practice.
  • Several associations from the same country can become members.

How to apply:

  1. Who is applying:
    • The president of the national body or group that wishes to join.
  2. Necessary documents:
  1. A copy of the minutes of the general assembly of the association showing that it has decided to apply for membership.
  2. The statutes, the internal regulations, the organisation chart and the up-to-date directory of the association.
  3. For individual requests:
  4. A moral and professional investigation will be carried out by the board of directors.
  5. Who to send it to:

Membership decision:

  • The Steering Committee shall propose the decision to the Board of Directors.
  • The board of directors decides by majority vote and does not have to justify its decision.
  • A 2-year trial period is imposed for new members.
  • After 2 years, the board of directors confirms or not the final membership.